Oregon LLC
An Oregon Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a legal entity in the state of Oregon that has similarities to both corporations and partnerships. An Oregon LLC is not a corporation; it is formed under specific state statutes that provide for the creation and regulation of this special type of business structure that has become commonly used and respected in business. When you form an LLC in Oregon, it can be used to combine the limited liability features of a corporation with the flexibility and tax benefits of a partnership within the state of Oregon.
Some of the benefits of forming an LLC are as follows:
- Limits your personal liability for business debts
- Provides the ability to transfer ownership of the business at some point in time
- Allows the business to continue beyond its lifetime
- Requires less corporate formalities such as annual meetings and record keeping
- Owners do not need to be U.S. citizens or have permanent residency in Oregon
- Saves taxes through past tax liability
While an Oregon Limited Liability Company (LLC) requires the filing of Articles of Organization with the Oregon Secretary of State’s Corporations Division, Sapienz’s Oregon LLC formation services can provide you with the assistance you need to process the documents required to form an Oregon LLC with a minimal investment of your valuable time and money.
Sapienz can help you by saving you time and money with fast, reliable and affordable service in processing the documents necessary to form an LLC in Oregon.
Sapienz®, through its website, www.Sapienz.com , provides the necessary document filing services for a variety of business needs, such as forming your own corporation or limited liability company (LLC), filing a DBA / fictitious business name, foreign qualification filings, Registered Agent Representations and corporate compliance services and supplies in all 50 states, including the state of Oregon.
Sapienz can successfully handle filings in all U.S. states. The experienced U.S.-based customer service team is here to provide you with the personal assistance you need to process your filing request within the state of Oregon quickly and efficiently, before, during and after your entity is formed every step of the way. … And remember, our Oregon LLC formation services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We make everything easy for you so you can focus on what you do best: managing your business!
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*Please note that these prices do not include state training fees (different in each state); or special requirements that may be required by some states. These will appear on the application form, prior to making your payment.